Sunday 12 April 2015

Applied Animation// Getting used to GIMP

WIP 'Digi-Handrawn' so far
I've been using GIMP for three days now, (aside from the odd doodle I did now and then on my own laptop using it before the project) and I feel I'm really getting the hang of it! I mean, I 'clean up' the images on PAINT because, well, why not? Considering how basic the colours are I want them as smooth as possible. I'm really excited about animating further, It's going to be tricky! Considering the 'Camera' moves 180* around her. Hopefully she'll 'stand' in the same place.. but then again, I could just drag and drop her into the place if I get it abit off in PAINT.

Ah, Paint. How I adore your simplistic nature <3

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