Sunday 19 April 2015

Applied Animation// 'Finished' segment animated with GIMP

Finished Segment 
5 days after starting the 2 second animation I've finished the small sequence! I'll be honest I'm really proud of this, for my second attempt at a 'turn around' I wanted to get the movement and spinning near perfect as I could - Animating without an outline was such a pain, but I'm glad I kept with the style as I think it's very effective. All I have left to do is drop in a background, separated on different layers so I can position them around her and malipulate them to give a more '3D effect'

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Applied Animation/// TOO many frames?

Today I finished the 26 frames that covers the 2 second opening of my project...

Frames 1-26 (INCLUDING FRAME 23)
However, after rendering the frames into a small GIF to see if the frames flowed well together, I noticed the character looks very... awkward, lifting her AXE. She's a little slow and I really had it in mind for her to lift it quite fluidly.

FRAME 23 'slow frame'

This is the frame I notice makes the fluid action of her lifting her weapon - less than 'fluid'. This frame, which I've dubbed the 'slow frame' is the reason her movement sees - well - slow.

Frames 1-26 (WITHOUT FRAME 23)

So I RE-rendered out a GIF of the frames, however this time I removed the 'slow frame' Frame 23 and she moves way more smoothly now, so I think I'm going to keep it removed. I've contemplated the removal by 'holding' the 26th frame, which I also feel works well - it gives the viewer the chance to really register her appearance and weapon. I'm going to double up the frames I'm drawing anyways, so 12fps become 24fps just to give the whole thing more of a 'flow'.

Monday 13 April 2015

Applied Animation// STILL using GIMP

Update on work done today!!!   Drawn a few frames out on GIMP, even if the software annoys me and by annoys I mean - REALLY ANNOYS - It's still a pretty steady software....

I will go back and 'clean up' the edges of the frames I've worked on today, but right now I really need a rest from starring at a computer screen for three hours.

Sunday 12 April 2015

Applied Animation// Getting used to GIMP

WIP 'Digi-Handrawn' so far
I've been using GIMP for three days now, (aside from the odd doodle I did now and then on my own laptop using it before the project) and I feel I'm really getting the hang of it! I mean, I 'clean up' the images on PAINT because, well, why not? Considering how basic the colours are I want them as smooth as possible. I'm really excited about animating further, It's going to be tricky! Considering the 'Camera' moves 180* around her. Hopefully she'll 'stand' in the same place.. but then again, I could just drag and drop her into the place if I get it abit off in PAINT.

Ah, Paint. How I adore your simplistic nature <3

Saturday 11 April 2015

Applied Animation// Animating with GIMP hurts me

eyes closed

Over the Easter holidays I haven't been able to balance animating (very well) with having... well, a holiday and visiting my family. Instead of photoshop I've been using GIMP which is already downloaded onto my ALREADY over loaded laptop; and of course, it's the same basic software, you can do the same sort of things in it, but... slower... and it's often more confusing.  
opens eyes

So when it came to beginning to draw up frames, I really really struggled at first... Onion skinning wasn't an option here. So I had to animate on loads of layers at the same time, with isn't something I'm used to doing...

Camera pulls back
But at least, when drawing up the storyboard for this project I used GIMP, so it was just a case of going back to the original digital storyboards and 'tracing' over to refine the drawings. Which, is what I've been doing most of today... 

I think the few frames I've managed to produce in just under three hours are 'clean' enough. At least, I think they are... I also found out you can exsport GIFS in GIMP which was something I only thought software like photoshop could do! So here is a GIF of the animating I've done SO far...

I'm not sure if I need to drop in an inbetween frame or two to make it 'smoother' because it's a very FAST pull back as it is...