Sunday 19 July 2015

End of 1st year

Last month I attended our schools end of year show, which sorta marked the end of my first year studying here in Leeds. My class shared an exhibition space with the second years, we ended up showing personal showreels along with our PPP animations; all of which I was very happy with and still am hugely grateful to my friends James and Matthew for editing all our animations together so well. Seriously, they did a bloody good job.

Anyways, after showing my family around the end of year show and attempting to explain to my grandmother that you only get one cup of free wine with your token;  I found myself reflecting over the past year and my studies within that year. I can't possibly describe how delighted I was that I had been given the opportunity to study animation the day I had the confirmation form, just a few months earlier I was depressed when it came to who I was as a 'professional artist'. I didn't know what I wanted to do after all this studying, what I wanted to do next at university. I knew I wanted to tell stories, express my opinions and create characters that didn't just lay flat on a piece of paper; But breathed.  I wanted to see my babies move, see the lines I had drawn with such care spring to life off of its own page! Then I realized,      '' Animation? Yeah... Yeah, sounds awesome! It's perfect!''

On the first day, I don't remember how nervous I was - Because I've blocked that level of stress from my mind. But I remember the awkward hellos and dreading the possibility of messing up in front of all these cool hip animators that had probably been studying animation since their birth. Turns out they hadn't and in fact I wasn't the only newbie to animation and everyone was super nice, I've never met a more lovely and open minded group of people before.  The projects I adored even if it took a few weeks to get used to the idea of blogging about my work constantly. The introductions into new software were very helpful, After Effects and Photo Shop are my best buddies now. And who could forget our class trip to Bradford animation festival! I also feel like my work has drastically improved this past year, which is amazing. Over all I've absolutely LOVED THIS YEAR!

Currently, I've moved into a house near Hyde Park with 5 other animators from my class (and one fine artist). I can't wait for second year to start :)