Sunday 28 December 2014

Classical Element// Starting the animation process

I've decided to animate this project by hand, animating and then colouring. Partly because I really enjoy animating by hand and partly because I don't have accessed to a computer (very easily) over the Christmas holidays.   I would of liked to experiment with Photoshop animation more in this project, but the deadline doesn't allow me to. But I will have to piece together backgrounds and 'actual' animation on Photoshop, a day before the deadline and also a day after I come back from the Christmas holiday break.

  • To save time I'm not going to draw out each frame in pencil then go over with a fine liner, I'm going to draw straight down onto paper with ink and animate with a pen.
  • I'm going to colour each frame by hand, with coloured pencils.
  • I'm going to ask father Christmas for a scanner for Christmas so I can scan frames in before the deadline. And hopefully finish on time.

Saturday 29 November 2014

BUG // 12 Visual Narative Images PART1

After producing the 8 images based off my initial illustration, I already had a rough idea on a concept for a short story.  I want to base the story on a 'cliché' love story, however I want to move a few things around...      For example, I want the male character to be the one to write a love letter but in the end I want his love interest to confess to him before he has the chance to.   I don't know if I'll keep the idea of her working in a bakery or have them both in the same class. I'll do a few scribbles before I start drafting a rough story.

BUG // Why did I choice Bug?

For this project I have to choice one of the following words to focus my drawings on...
DANCE       TANK      SCIENCE       FLIGHT       ENVELOPE     FORK       BUG      SKIP      PLANT

Originally I wanted to focus on the word 'plant' because I love flowers, however besides the obvious drawing nature over and over again I really didn't know what else I could draw besides that. So in the end I picked 'Bug' - because I felt I could draw a lot more variety for that word then 'plant'.
Ideas for drawings;
  • Insects 
  • Being Annoyed / Being 'Bugged' 
  • Love Bug 
  • Catching a bug / Sickness
  • Insects interacting with nature

Friday 28 November 2014

BUG // 8 development drawings

After completing the 32 images minimum for the word 'Bug' - I choice my most successful drawing (the one I felt was most 'affective' as an illustration) and expanded my ideas from the original drawing.